An evening at the dog park

Camera in hand and Juno at my side, there was no better way to spend a warm sunny evening. I enjoy sharing my enthusiasm and love for what I do with others.

We headed straight to our favourite spot by the river at Terwillegar Dog Park. Juno got to play in the water and I snapped a few images of the dogs we met along the way. I’m hoping to make this a regular outing, so if you see a small blond woman walking with a large camera and a black furry dog, don’t hesitate to stop and say ‘hello!’.  I would love to get to know you and your dog and share a little about what I do.  🙂

Thank you to everyone who I had the chance to talk to and photograph your dogs. They are all so beautiful!

If you would like further information regarding any of the images please send me your info via my contact page. I will be posting individual images on Facebook over the next few days so pop by and like my page to receive more updates and share your dog’s image on-line! I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Roman ~ I spotted this stunning guy from a far standing majestically in the water.


Charlie and Brewster ~ A playful pair! Loved watching these two best friends at play.

Echo ~ I had the wonderful opportunity of capturing Echo’s very first time in the water! It sure looked like she had a great time!!

Denzo ~ Such a cutie!! Playing around in the puddles by the river.

Castor and Aphrodite ~ Another playful pair!! Castor’s ears reminded me of our foster dog Maggie!

Bailey ~ Couldn’t resist this little guy! And Juno loved running around with him, too!

Chanel and Bella ~ A little unsure of all the water and action but were up for a quick image!

Bambi ~ Having a little fun with an action shot and the beautiful golden light!

Angel ~ Beautiful and sweet pup…tried to keep up with Juno and took a little tumble. I hope she is feeling okay today 🙂

And of course my dear Juno!! Thank you for taking a peek at our travels at the dog park!

Happy Tuesday!