Today marks one year.
The official date we signed the adoption papers and committed to her as part of our family. At the time we weren’t even looking for a fur friend of the feline variety but my heart said the choice was right.
It had only been about a month after the miscarriage of our second child and maybe my heart was looking for something to fill it. I was nervous to make the wrong decision. My husband was initially not on board and was hesitant. I for one am actually allergic to cats, well most cats any way. Her coat type was so similar to the two we had growing up that I thought there was a chance I’d be okay.
It took me 6 weeks of sneezing and being stuffed up and then it all cleared. We also weren’t sure how she would get along with the guinea pigs and our dog, Juno.
From the moment she put her paws around my neck and purred, I knew there was something about her that I couldn’t let go. I am happy to say that feeling was right. She fits so well into our family and everyone coexists so peacefully it warms my heart.
She is silly and cuddly and makes us laugh. She loves to greet people and is more dog than she is cat. She is calming yet can be very playful. She is not one bit destructive and only uses her scratching posts. She prefers to be sleeping than wandering around on counter tops.
My daughter calls her ‘her best friend’. She loves to enjoy the sunshine and rolling in the grass outside. She stays with us when we are outside and doesn’t try to leave the yard. Yep, I think we won the cat lottery!
I am so grateful to have this furry feline in our lives. Happy one year Adoptaversary Meowzer!
Thank you to Zoe’s Animal Rescue Society for our amazing kitty! And to the Edmonton Pop Up Cat Cafe for the opportunity to meet our best friend
Everyday silliness of our lovable kitty!